1. Select machine on which wants to install/upgrade
the VMWare tools (Navigate to Summary > Install/Upgrade VMWare Tools)
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
5. Temporary copy the VMWareTools upgrade tar to local machine.
# mkdir /tmp/vmware
# cp VMwareTools-10.3.5-10430147.tar.gz /tmp/vmware/
# cd /tmp/vmware/
# tar xzvf VMwareTools-10.3.5-10430147.tar.gz
# cd vmware-tools-distrib/
# ./vmware-install.pl
Once installed the tools successfully it will prompt the status of installed tool and its service status.
6. Check the service status by below command.
# /etc/vmware-tools/services.sh “status/start/stop”
7. It will automatically eject the ISO file, if not then un-mount the ISO file manually and disconnect/verify it from vCenter.
8. Check and verify the status of VMware Tools from vCenter.
9. Re-config the VMWare tools after each Kernel upgrades.
# ./usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl
VMware automatic kernel modules: yes
10. Upgrade VMware Tools in Windows machines.
Fist attach the ISO as mentioned in Points 1, 2 & 3.
Take access of machine and open the CD/DVD, there you can see and run the VMware/setup.exe
Follow the instructions for successfully installation/up gradation of tools.
Restart the machine when prompted and disconnect the CD/DVD from vCenter.
Verify the VMware Tools status from vCenter (As mentioned in point no. 8).